
Gray Jay                         

The gray jay (Perisoreus Canadensis) is between 10 and 13 inches in… More

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I find it nearly impossible to resist smiling when I see the small… More

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Tip for Painting Goose Decoys                                                                   

Since I will be painting the decoy with acrylics, I first seal it with two… More

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California Quail                                         

The California quail (Callipepla californica) measures between nine and 11… More

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The bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) is a medium-sized songbird that can… More

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Northern Goshawk                                         

The Northern goshawk (Accepter gentiles) is the largest accepter in North… More

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There are few sights more stunning than birds of prey in flight. More

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WCM Summer 2020                                       

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

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Fall 2019                           

Check out our Fall 2019 issue! You really don't want to miss this Wildfowl… More

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Red-Naped Sapsucker                                               

The red-naped sapsucker (Sphyrapicus nuchalis) is a woodpecker that… More

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Red Crossbill                                   

The red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) is a seed-eating finch that measures… More

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WCM Fall 2020                                   

On the coverThe baby birds on the cover are by Tom BaldwinTable of… More

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Strong Tail, Summer Plumage                                                               

I have carved many long-tailed ducks over the years, including one I… More

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The pyrrhuloxia (Cardinalis sinuatus) resembles the Northern cardinal of… More

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Just Like 1936 - Painting                                                           

When painting, I will be using Grumbacher Pre-Tested Professional Oils,… More

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