WCM Summer 2020

On the cover:
The baby birds on the cover are by Tom Baldwin
Table of Contents
PAINTING NOTES: The Great Kiskadee
by Jerry Poindexter
(It’s your responsibility to make it really great.)
PATTERN: Great Kiskadee by Jerry Poindexter
DEMONSTRATION: Looking Up, Part One
by Jerry Simchuk
(No need to stand on your head when you carve a red-breasted nuthatch. But it might help.)
PATTERN: Red-breasted Nuthatch by Jerry Simchuk
DEMONSTRATION: Sitting Pretty, Part Two
by Al Jordan
(Let’s paint a sharp-shinned hawk.)
SHOWCASE: Mr. Feathers
by Jamie Welsh
(Daniel Montano takes a unique approach to his art.)
DEMONSTRATION: Oh, Baby, Baby, Part One
by Tom Baldwin
(How to carve baby birds.)
PATTERN: Baby Chickadee, Carolina Wren, and Cedar Waxwing by Tom Baldwin
CLASS NOTES: Golden Plover
by Rich Smoker
(Here’s what you need to get started on this shorebird.)
PHOTO FEATURE: A Look at the World
by Tom Huntington
(Some pictures from the Ward World Championship will help tide you over until next year.)
Editor's Column
Read NextThe Most Beautiful Duck in the World