
Yellow-breasted Chat                                                 

The yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens) is a large wood warbler that… More

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American White Pelican, Part Two: Painting and…

Previously I demonstrated how I carved the American white pelican. The… More

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Western Wood-Pewee                                             

The Western wood-pewee (Contopus sordidulus) measures between 6 and 6… More

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Stool Pigeons, Part Two                                                       

I paint my stool pigeons as decoys, having no interest in creating a… More

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The Merlin                             

The merlin (Falco columbarious) is a stocky falcon, measuring between 10… More

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The Gray Catbird                                         

Like the Northern mockingbird and the brown thrasher, the gray catbird can… More

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Red-crested Cardinal                                                 

The red-crested cardinal (Paroaria coronata) is a songbird that does not… More

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A Cork Red-Breasted Merganser, Part Two: Painting                                                                                                           

As a beginner, you will most likely find it much easier to carve a decoy… More

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Chipping Sparrow                                         

The chipping sparrow (Spizella passerine) measures between 41/2 to 51/2… More

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A Carolina Classic, Part Two                                                                 

Traditionally, the makers of canvas and wire decoys covered their decoys… More

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A Sectional Swan                                         

The trumpeter swan has an 11-foot wingspan, making it the worlds largest… More

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Green Jay                           

The green jay (Cyanocorax yncas) is an unmistakable and colorful bird with… More

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Common Snipe                                 

Is the common snipe (Gallinago gallinago) a game bird or shorebird? People… More

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Pacific Brant, Part Two: Painting                                                                           

In the last issue, I carved and primed a brant. Since both the Atlantic… More

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Winter 2020                               

Check out our Winter 2020 issue! You really don't want to miss this… More

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