1990-1999 Issues of Wildfowl Carving Magazine

This collection features the previous issues of Wildfowl Carving Magazine from the years 1999 to 1990. With four issues per year, the magazine offers an abundance of carving demonstrations, tips, step-by-step tutorials, reference articles, and more.
The 1990 to 1999 issues offer an incredibly diverse selection of birds, from puffins and woodpeckers to bald eagles and snowy owls. Carvers are sure to discover their next project within these pages, whether they are looking for shorebirds, decoys, songbirds, or any other kind of beloved wildfowl. In addition, Wildfowl Carving Magazine includes fascinating feature articles on topics such as habitat carving and the inside scoop on competitions.
Fall 1999:
(Jeff Rechin did the cover’s ruffed grouse sculpture)
Beginner’s Notebook: Hocus Focus (The right set of eyes can transform your art work) by Victor Paroyan
Judith Nicoll (England’s ambassador for bird carving) by Curtis Badger
Decorative Tundra Swan, Part One (Sculpting the body) by Vic Kirkman
The Hunting Decoy, Part Four (Assemble and paint the decoy) by Willy McDonald
The Common Merganser (Hardy fishers of the north) by Steve Maslowski
Feather Close-ups, photography by George Wilkes
Atlantic Puffin Project, Part Two (Paint the smoothie) by Steve Brettell
Miniature Wild Turkey (Use hand tools to rough out the tiny gamebird) by Jeff Rechin
Summer 1999:
(The immature white gyrfalcon on the cover is by Greg Woodard)
Beginner’s Notebook: Airbrush Blending Techniques(Angles and spray patterns for flawless blending) by Glenn Ladenberger
Immature White Gyrfalcon, Part Four (Greg Woodard paints the majestic bird) by Kurt M. Robinette
Scaup Hen Project, Part Two(Use an airbrush to capture the bird’s unique look) by George Kruth
Indigo Bunting (Watch for the tiny blue bird at the top of a tree; reference photos) by Robert Braunfield
Texturing with Paint (Add detail with every stroke) by Frank Werner
Atlantic Puffin Project, Part One(A simple way to carve the colorful seabird) by Steve Brettell
The Hunting Decoy, Part Three (Carve a canvasback decoy) by Willy McDonald
Spring 1999:
(Ernie Muehlmatt’s pileated woodpecker is on the cover)
Beginner’s Notebook: An Airbrush Can Work for You! (Modify your Paasche AB for stellar performance) by Glenn Ladenberger
The Hunting Decoy, Part Two (Shape the decoy body) by Willy McDonald
Scaup Hen Project, Part One (Carve the hen bluebill)
Masterwork Gallery: A Bird Unto Itself (Ernie Muehlmatt’s pileated woodpecker), photography by Michael L. Smith
Immature White Gyrfalcon, Part Three (The base is an integral part of any bird carving) by Kurt M. Robinette
Wild Spirit (A portrait of the common loon; reference photos) by Jerome A. Jackson
Flat (Getting it just right) by Frank Werner
Working a Show (How to make the most of your time at a carving show) by Marie Bongiovanni
Annual Index (Spring 1998-Winter 1999)
Winter 1999:
(The indigo bunting on the cover is by Dennis Poeschel)
Beginner’s Notebook: Texturing Individual Feathers (Tips and techniques that will make a difference) by Glenn Ladenberger
Songbird Legs and Feet (Construct feet from brass rod and epoxy) by Dennis Poeschel
Wood Duck Drake (Carve and paint a hunting decoy) by Paul Foytack, Jr., photography by Thomas Stuck
Immature White Gyrfalcon, Part Two (Texturing the bird) by Kurt M. Robinette
Bald Eagle (A timeless symbol of power and grace) by Margaret Baker
Oil Paint (Is it worth the trouble?) by Frank Werner
Painting Area Set-Up (An efficient workspace is key to successful painting), by Peter Palumbo
The Hunting Decoy, Part One (Decoys are bearers of the waterfowling tradition) by Willy McDonald
On Inspiration, Bird Art . . . And Plastic Models (Bird models were the spark for many of today’s carvers) by Robert Braunfield
Fall 1998:
(Cover harlequin by Victor Paroyan)
Beginner’s Notebook: The First Step: Choosing Your Tools, Part Two (Small bits, cleaners, airbrushes, paints, eyes, and more) by Glenn Ladenberger
Ernie Muehlmatt’s Burrowing Owls by Ernie Muehlmatt, photography by Curtis J. Badger
Harlequin Smoothie (Airbrush the multi-colored “clown” duck) by Victor Paroyan
Immature White Gyrfalcon (Carving the impressive bird with Greg Woodard) by Kurt M. Robinette
Downy Woodpecker (The smallest of woodpeckers is one of the most charming; reference photos) by Jerome A. Jackson
Rosalyn Daisey (A diverse carver keeps the fires burning) by Curtis J. Badger
The Ten Pin Feather Pattern (Structure and organization of Feathers) by Frank and Carol Werner
Summer 1998:
(Cover macaw by Floyd Scholz)
Beginner’s Notebook: The First Step: Choosing Your Tools, Part One (Getting the most from your carving dollar) by Glenn Ladenberger
Blue-winged Teal Hen Project, Part Two (Airbrush this attractive duck) by George Kruth
Strong Necks and Bills (Lamination and doweling techniques) by David Tippey
Charles “Chippy” Chase (In memorial)
Planning a Common Loon (It’s all in the design) by Robert L. Buyer
The Allure of Tropical Birds (Macaws and toucans make unusual carvings) by Floyd Scholz
Songbird Head Portraits, Part Two, photography by Maslowski Wildlife Productions
Songbirds Legs and Feet (Solder strong legs from brass rod) by Don McKinlay
The Far-flying Brant (A long journey takes a short time; reference photos) by Gary Kramer
Carving a Palm Frond (Tips for creating pieces from this challenging wood) by Laurie J. Lundell Gmyrek
Tools from Other Trades by Frank Werner
Spring 1998:
(Cover avocet by Del Herbert)
Beginner’s Notebook: Carving Between Your Ears (Directions and suggestions for the novice and intermediate carver) by Glenn Ladenberger
Annual Index (yearly supplement lists articles from Spring 1997 through Winter 1998)
Songbird Head Portraits, Part One by Steve Maslowski
Service Class Avocet Project, Part Two (Paint to achieve softness and depth) by Del Herbert
The Golden-crowned Kinglet (Use oils for easy blending) by Dave Solomon and Charles Hamilton
Blue-winged Teal Project, Part One (Carve and texture a one-piece bird) by George Kruth
The Lovely Rose-breasted Grosbeak (This bird dresses up black and white with a splash of scarlet) by John Heidecker
Wingin’ It (Correct wing shape is vital for an open-winged carving) by Jack Kochan
Winter 1998:
(Cover ruddy by Glenn A. McMurdo)
Beginner’s Notebook: Carving Mallard Tail Curls (Use wood to make realistic curls) by Clarence Blanchard
The Inside Job (Hollowing a Suzy) by Frank Werner
The Barn Swallow (The graceful mud nester provides pest control; reference photos) by Jerome A. Jackson
The Raucous Ruddy, Part Three (From completed carving to finished painting) by Glenn A. McMurdo
The Inscrutable Green Heron, Part Two (Learn to experiment with paint) by Don McKinlay
Before and After (Jim Sprankle, traditionally a “duck man,” carves a trio of ibis) by Jim Sprankle
Carrying the Torch (The Lafrance-Frederick-Joefrau legacy) by Charles Frank
Service Class Avocet Project, Part One (Use templates to cut out and shape your birds) by Del Herbert
Fall 1997:
(Cover sculpture by Laura Lucio)
John Scheeler (After a decade, his presence is still felt) by Curtis Badger
Beginner’s Notebook: East-to-Make Black Scoter (A cork decoy project) by David Tippey
The Black-Capped Chickadee, Part Two (A songbird painting project) by Laura Lucio
Setting Eyes for the Future (Ensure that your birds’ eyes will stand the test of time) by Laurie J. Gmyrek
The Raucous Ruddy, Part Two (Detailing your carving from roughed out to sealed) by Glenn A. McMurdo
The Hooded Merganser (Discover the wonders of this elusive diving duck; reference photos) by Cynthia Berger
The Inscrutable Green Heron, Part One (Carving the ever-changing bird) by Don McKinlay
Summer 1997:
(Pileated woodpeckers on the cover by Larry Barth)
Beginner’s Notebook: A Bird’s Feathers (Types and parts of feathers illustrated and explained) by Jack Kochan
William J. Koeplin, Sr. (In fond memory) by Dennis Poeschel
The Black-Capped Chickadee, Part One (Carve the diminutive songbird) by Laura Lucio
Larry Barth (The artist in his environment) by Curtis Badger
Gyrfalcon: Phantom of the Northwest (The might hunter of the arctic) by Kurt M. Robinette
Those Magnificent Raptors! Part Two (Head shots of popular birds of prey) by Kurt M. Robinette
The Scarlet Macaw (Bonus reference photos of this tropical bird), photography by Rick and Nora Bowers
The Raucous Ruddy, Part One (Research to rough out) by Glenn A. McMurdo
Building an Aviary (Study waterfowl in your own back yard) by Michael Pelc
Spring 1997:
(Cardinals by Eldridge Arnold on the cover)
Beginner’s Notebook: Create a Mallard Speculum Feather (A simple project for mastering details) by Robert J. Seas
Eldridge Arnold (Wild birds and the elements of design) by Curtis J. Badger
Painting Complex Feathers (Step-by-step instructions for woodcock and bobwhite scapulars) by Dan Williams
Northern Saw-Whet Owl (An in-depth species study) by Jeffrey Whiting
Those Magnificent Raptors! Part One (It’s all in their heads) by Kurt M. Robinette
Woodcock Pattern by Dan Williams
The Miniature Harris’ Hawk, Part Two (Painting the raptor) by Lonnie Dye
American and Least Bitterns (The sound of the swamp; reference photos) by Cynthia Berger
Waterbird Feet and Legs (The pros and cons of four surface materials) by Don McKinlay
The Classic Wildfowl Art Shows, Part Two (What sets apart the most successful shows?) by Curtis J. Badger
Annual Index (Yearly supplement lists articles form Spring 1996 through Winter 1997)
Winter 1997:
Beginner’s Notebook: Keeping Things Even (Tips for creating a symmetrical carving) by Brian E. McGray
Hey, Knute! (Wildfowl art patron Kurt Bartrug) by Dr. Barry Berkey
The Miniature Harris’ Hawk, Part One (Carving an award-winning sculpture) by Lonnie Dye
Painting a Blue Jay, Part Two (From choosing the brushes to applying the final coat) by Dan Williams
Art for a Park, Part Three (Painting the great blue heron) by Eric Kaiser
The Wide-Ranging Common Goldeneye (The spirited whistling duck; reference photos) by John Heidecker/Nature Photos
The Classic Wildfowl Art Shows, Part One (A look at the reasons for their success) by Curtis J. Badger
Fall 1996:
Beginner’s Notebook: Building Reference Files (How to make your research less time-consuming and more productive) by Robert J. Seas
Painting the Black Duck Drake(A contemporary gunning decoy) by Michael Harde
Championship Carving Canadian Style: TheLucios (Family, nature and art making a winning combination) by George Deagle, M.D.
Turned Head Sleepers, Part Three (Painting the turned head wigeon hen) by Frank and Carol Werner
The Baltimore Oriole(The exuberant orange bird sports its colors like a coat of arms; reference photos) by Jerome A. Jackson
Carving a Blue Jay, Part One (Finding the bird in your block of wood) by Dan Williams
Art for a Park, Part Two (Carving an in-flight great blue heron) by Eric Kaiser
Summer 1996:
Beginner’ Notebook: Carving Order out of Process (Carving: “The process of defining and refining shape by an orderly sequence of artistic cutting.”—The Author) by Frank Russell
It Just Can’t Get Any Better Than This! (Painting an American kestrel step-by-step) by Floyd Scholz
Art for a Park (A new building houses live fish, epoxy tree, and wooden birds) by Eric Kaiser
Sanderling Patternby Dan Williams
The Lewis & Holland Expedition (Wherever the wild birds flock) by Candice R. Tennant
Finishing the Flow (Hints on creating strong, imperceptible insertions) by Dan Williams
Whistling Wings, Whittled, Ducks, & Wetlands (Milwaukee Public Museum, February 1996-March 1997) by Dennis C. Poeschel
The Northern Shoveler (Much more than a “shoehorn strainerbill”; reference photos) by Steve Maslowski
The Avian Leg and Foot (Using anatomy for more accurate representation) by Dennis C. Poeschel
Turned Head Sleepers, Part Two(Carving the decoy) by Frank Werner
Spring 1996:
Art Matters: Vaya con Patos (Go with ducks) by Frank Werner
Beginner’s Notebook: Feather Inserts (How to carve and attach primary feather inserts) by C.E. Blanchard
Kingfisher Pattern by Dan Williams
Annual Index (Yearly supplement lists articles from Spring 1995 through Winter 1996)
Elements of Artistry Revisited (Divine proportions and negative space) by Chuck and Betty Malven
The Artist’s Signature (How artists develop a style of their own) by Curtis J. Badger
Attaching the Head (A handy gluing device) by Thomas F. McCollum
Turned Head Sleepers, Part One (An anatomical puzzle) by Frank Werner
Home Drying (Checking your wood) by Frank and Carol Werner
Painting the Ruby-throated Hummingbird (A step-by-step painting guide adapted from Carving Hummingbirds) by Charles Solomon and David Hamilton
Traditions of the Heart (A look at contemporary Louisiana miniature carvers) by Charles W. Frank
How to Carve Anything You Wish (Developing the right side of the brain) by David Bennett
Green Heron (A bird of the world; reference photos) by Mark Riegner
Winter 1996:
Beginner’s Notebook: Hold It! (Making an inexpensive paint stand) by Dennis C. Poeschel
Art Matters: Value (What art got to do with it?) by Frank Werner
Least Tern Decoy Pattern by Dan Williams
Making the Most of the Least (Using decoys to restore least terns) by Bob Buyer
Canvas Decoys (An honored tradition gets a new twist) by Philip Lamie
Elements of Artistry, Part Two (Understanding and exploring good design) by Chuck and Betty Malven
Cinnamon Teal Family, Part Three (Painting the chicks) by Dan Williams
Martin Gates (Interpreting nature’s beauty) by Barbara F. Backer
California Quail (This gregarious gamebird offers many design possibilities; reference photos) by Steve Maslowski
Milling (For the carver who wants to branch out) by Carol Werner
1995 National Exhibition of Carved Birds (The U.K.’s premier carving event) by Judith Nicoll
Fall 1995:
Beginner’s Notebook: Photography 101, Part Two(How to create your own photo reference library) by John Heidecker
Heads Up! Part Two (Head, bill, and eye details of popular waterfowl hens) by Dr. Scott Nielsen
Atlantic Puffin Pattern by Dan Williams
Wood Duck Head: Part Two (WC&C Classic, reprinted from Winter 1987) by Pat Godin
Textural Diversity(WC&C Classic, reprinted from Fall 1985) by Pat Godin
Elements of Artistry(Introduction to a multipart series explores basic design tools) by Chuck and Betty Malvern
Dust in the Wind (Protect yourself from shop hazards before it’s too late) by Danielle Hollister
FW Duck (Diary of a timber sale) by Carol Werner
Cinnamon Teal Family, Part Two (Step-by-step instructions for painting the drake) by Dan Williams
Mighty Wanderer (A look at the once-threatened peregrine falcon) by Kurt Robinette
Bob Brown (An in-depth profile of a contemporary carver in the New Jersey tradition) by Lisa Lujanac
Hot Times and Cool Tips(Burning tips and techniques adapted from The Amazing Art of Pyrography) by Bob Boyer
Art Matters: Recognition (Advance and be recognized) by Frank Werner
Summer 1995:
Charter Subscribers(Three charter members discuss WC&C Magazine) by Chris Sherbine
Beginner’s Notebook: Photography 101 (How to create your own photo reference library) by John Heidecker
Habitat: Nature’s Vignette(Creating habitat elements for a great horned owl) by C.E Blanchard
Red-Tailed Hawk Pattern by Dan Williams
Wood Duck Head (WC&C Classic, reprinted from Fall 1986) by Pat Godin
Heads Up! Part One (Incredible close-up reference photos of North American drakes) by Dr. Scott Nielsen
Cinnamon Teal Family, Part One (Painting the hen) by Dan Williams
The White-Crowned Sparrow (Not just another LBJ) by Steve Maslowski
The Second Time Around (In search of the secondary market) by Curtis J. Badger
Ducks in the Balance (Hollowing and weighting a working decoy) by Dennis C. Poeshcel
Art Matters: Fine Art (What is it?) by Frank Werner
Art Law: Art Versus Craft (Defining your woodworking according to law) by Leonard D. DuBoff
Wildfowl Carving at Knott’s Berry Farm (Bob Weir offers more than entertainment) by Floyd Allen
Spring 1995:
Art Matters: A Matter of Venue (You snooze, you lose) by Frank Werner
Flight School (Ernie Muehlmatt creates a group of prairie falcon chicks) by Curtis Badger
Snowy Owl Pattern by Dan Williams
Avian Anatomy (SC&C Classic reprint from Fall 1986) by Robert Braunfield
Habitat: Carving a Fiddler Crab (A seaside habitat to enhance any shorebird carving) by Rosalyn Leach Daisey
Art Law: Trade Dress (Protecting the integrity of your creations) by Leonard D. DuBoff
The Woodie Revisited (America’s most colorful duck) by Dr. Scott Nielsen
Creole Carvers (Louisiana’s rich heritage of ethnic diversity) by Charles W. Frank
Smoooooooth (Oldsquaw [long-tailed duck] painting demo illustrates creating texture with paint) by Victor Paroyan
Beginner’s Notebook: Color Notes (Creating a reference source for mixing colors) by June Noll
Annual Index
Winter 1995:
Beginner’s Notebook: Custom Carriers (An easy, economical method to protect your carvings) by C.E. Blanchard
Brant Basics (Wildfowl Carving and Collecting classic, reprinted from Fall 1986) by June Noll
Habitat Bonus (Wood, wasps, and wool: using mixed media) by Jeffrey C. Whiting
Godin’s Grouse (An in-depth interview with Canada’s premier carver) by Lisa Lujanac
The Delightful Ruddy Duck (Its many nicknames reflect the characteristics of this colorful duck) by Arthur Morris
Championship Painting (Jon Jones’ wigeon drake) by Jon Jones
Baby Chicks, Part Two (Patience and precision yield life-like results) by Chuck Malven
The Final Act (The finishing technique that will enhance any carving) by Bill Ford
Mysterious Airbrush, Part Two (Airbrushing a bufflehead drake, includes pattern) by Brian E. McGray
Art Matters: Avian Sculpture (Avian sculpture did not evolve from decoy making) by Frank Werner
Art Law (New department explores the legal rights of carvers) by Professor Leonard DuBoff
Show and Tell (How to organize a successful carving show) by Debra Lehman
Fall 1994:
Beginner’s Notebook: Painter’s Notebook (Brushes, paints, and advice for beginners) by Pearl Carpenter
Art Matters: What Art the Decoy? (There are no rules) by Frank Werner
Barbara Nelson (Sculpture by design) by Curtis Badger
Baby Chicks, Part One (Measurements, patterns, and tips for carving baby birds) by Chuck Malvern
Gnome of Owldom (In search of the saw-whet owl) by Ron Austin
Springtime Color (Painting a ruddy turnstone) by Dan Williams
David Tippey (Pub master turned bird carver) by Curtis Badger
The Mysterious Airbrush (The tool and how to use it) by Brian E. McGray
Summer 1994:
Habitat: Wild Mushrooms (Common fungi add colorful flair) by Michael Sykes
Art Matters: Promotion (Some strategies) by Frank Werner
Beginner’s Notebook: Foolproof Pattern Making (Creating your own patterns from photos) by Mike Kent
Anatomy of an Exhibition (Behind the scenes of El Arnold’s one-man show) by Curtis J. Badger
The Northern Aplomado (Greg Woodard reveals his World-class painting techniques) by Kurt Robinette
Backyard Beauties (An in-depth look at ruby-throated and Anna’s hummingbirds) by Cynthia Berger
Hummingbird Bonus (Pattern and carving notes for a ruby-throat) by Bob Hand, Jr.
Open Wide! (Anatomical reference and instructions for creating an open-bill presentation) by Dennis C. Poeschel
Waterfowl Festival (An up-close look at one of wildlife art’s premier events) by Lisa Lujanac
Improving De Tail (Pattern and instructions for creation an inexpensive working decoy) by Frank Werner
Spring 1994:
Art Matters: Originality (Is it physical, or is it conceptual?) by Frank Werner
Beginner’s Notebook: Stacking Shadows, Part Two (A palette of shadows) by Mike Kent
Habitat: Making the Scene (Easy tips for creating ground cover) by Brian E. McGray
Wildfowl Carving in Miniature (Sometimes less is more) by Lloyd McCafferty
Affordable Collectibles (Old treasures that won’t bust your budget) by Charles W. Frank
Great Blue Heron (Stately master of the marsh; reference photos) by Mark Riegner
East of England (U.K. hosts regional bird-carving exhibit) by Judith Nicoll
Long-eared Owl, Part Two (Keith Mueller shares his award-winning painting techniques) by Don McKinlay
Masterwork Gallery: Southern Charm (Jett Brunet’s green-winged teal hen) by Lisa Lujanac
Contaminated Wood (Simple precautions could save your life)
Old Technologies (Preserving the traditions of the Jersey Coast) by Bob Brown
Annual Index
Winter 1994:
Beginner’s Notebook: Stacking Shadows (Simple tricks allow you to master the illusion of depth) by Mike Kent
Art Matters: Expressing the Bird (Have we, in installing “the living bird” as a standard, let our medium become the message?) by Frank Werner
Habitat: Branching Out (Creating a strong yet delicate perch) by Dennis Poeschel
The Gulf South Pairs (A retrospective of the prestigious regional competition) by Charles W. Frank
The Chincoteague Tradition (An island unto itself) by Curtis W. Badger
Four of a Kind (An eye on the eider from common to king) by Steve Maslowski
Ben Schmidt (The work and influence of Michigan’s finest maker) by Tom Shumaker
California Quail Bust (Start-to-finish project, includes pattern) by Peter Kaune
Long-eared Owl, Part One (Planning and composition of a World-class piece) by Don McKinlay
Fall 1993:
Habitat: Winter Wonderland (Making realistic, durable snow scenes) by Jo Craemer
Art Matters: Art as a Business (How would your family feel about living on food stamps?) by Frank Werner
Beginner’s Notebook: The Zen of Bird Carving (Attitude affects aptitude) by Michael Sykes
Mallard Tail Curls, Part Two (Creating the distinctive feather grouping from brass) by Frank Werner
Painting Notes for the Common Loon (Beyond black and white) by Jeffery G. Whiting
Raptor Chapter (“American Kestrel” excerpted from Floyd Scholz’s Birds of Prey), courtesy Stackpole Books
The Magnificent Cat Owl (Great horned owl reference) by Mary Katherine Parks
Live Bird Bonus: Northern Cardinal (Sneaky preview of WC&C’s Reference Guide—includes a pattern) by Sheryl De Vore
Decoy Ramblings (Dilley Shorebirds, mini shorebirds) by Joseph B. French
Pure Aesthetic (Ira Hudson’s walking mallard drake) by Gene and Linda Kangas
Robert Ptashnik (Remembering my friend Bob) by Larry Weston
Feathered Friends (Making holiday gift items) by Dennis Poeschel and Naomi Cashman
Mr. Jim’s Pintail (Carving a shootin’ stool Cajun style) by Curtis Badger
Summer 1993:
Art Matters: Real Enough to Fly (How did he do it?) by Frank Werner
Habitat: Easy Does It (Keeping it easy with Easy Rock) by Linda Kilcoin
Beginner’s Notebook: Creating the Curve (Making the third view from a two-view pattern) by C.E. Blanchard
The Dean of Havre de Grace Carvers (A tribute to R. Madison Mitchell, Sr.)
Mark McNair (New frontiers in traditional decoy making) by Curtis Badger
A Shore Thing (Composing, carving, and painting a dunlin trio) by Mark Christopher
Mallard Tail Curls, Part One (Anatomy of a mallard) by Frank Werner
Creating a World of Delight (One-man museum preserves the birds of Vermont) by mark Pendergrast
Decoy Ramblings: Preserving Old Decoys (Use wax, not oil) by Joe French
Shourds3 (Family resemblances in three generations of decoy makers) by Joe French
American Avocet (A close-up view of the graceful shorebird) by Tim Gallagher
Spring 1993:
Habitat: An Alaskan Shoreline (Creating habitat for the American oystercatcher) by Roscoe Condon
Art Matters: Art Space in the Private Sector (Showing and selling your art) by Frank Werner
Beginner’s Notebook Bonus (Using three-dimensional patterns. Includes wood duck pattern) by C.E. Blanchard
Beginner’s Notebook: The King Penguin, Part Two (Painting tips for this stately bird) by Michael Sykes
Burning for Color (“Painting” a quail with burning tools), demonstration by Ernie Muehlmatt
Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Part Two (Using airbrush techniques on this colorful fish), demonstration by Jeff Compton
Decoy Ramblings: Auctions versus Shows (The MDCA provides a mix of both) by Joseph B. French
Fat Jaw (Lem Ward’s enchanting goldeneye drake) by Gene and Linda Kangas
The Cutting Edge, Part Two (Eight top interpretive carvers share their techniques) by Curtis Badger
The Blue Jay (A closer look at the colorful Corvidae) by Tara Boice
Packing Your Carving (How to care for your carving when it’s out of your hands) by Ayleen Stellhorn
Annual Index
Working with Handtools (Preserving the traditions of the Jersey Coast) by Bob Brown
Going for the Green Ribbon (Making a living with working rigs) by John Nelson
Winter 1993:
Art Matters: Interpreting Interpretive (The Decorative Connection) by Frank Werner
Beginner’s Notebook: The King Penguin, Part One (A beginner’s lesson in form), demonstration by Michael Sykes
Habitat: The Magic of Moss (Several easy methods for creating habitat) by Orchid Davis
The Cutting Edge (Interview with eight of the top interpretive bird carvers) by Curtis Badger
Hen Green Wing, Part Three (Painting a hen green-winged teal), demonstration by Ron Broadwater
The Puffin Project (Puffin decoys lure the real thing) by Pete Salmonsohn
Bird Carvings in Japan (American carvers take their work abroad) by Cathy Hart
Larry Hayden (Drawing parallels between painting and carving) by Curtis Badger
Pumpkinseed Sunfish (Carving this colorful panfish), demonstration by Jeff Compton
George Walker (Saying goodbye to a fellow carver) by Lisa Lujanac
Decoy Ramblings (Decoy auction scene) by Joseph B. French
Counterfeiting the Counterfeits (Find the fakes with radiography) by A. Everette James
Fall 1992:
Art Matters: The True Essence of Mallards (A new book by Dr. Scott Nielsen features the wild side of a common duck) by Frank Werner
Beginner’s Notebook: Preparing the Surface (Don’t make the mistake of treating surface preparation lightly) by Don McKinlay
Habitat: Hedge Bindweed, Part Two (Painting and finishing this flowering vine) by Michael Sykes
Kingfisher Chronicles (One artist’s approach to field study) by Rob Braunfield
Dabbling Diver (A closer look at the 1993 World Pairs—the ring-necked duck) by Sheryl De Vore
Hen Green Wing, Part Two (Texturing techniques for the green-winged teal), demonstration by Ron Broadwater
Decoy Ramblings: From Carving to Collecting (The influence of Shang Wheeler’s carvings) by Joseph B. French
Perdew Robins (A unique pair of songbirds by Charles Perdew) by Gene and Linda Kangas
Bald Eagle (A master waterfowl carver, Jett Brunet, tries his hand at birds of prey) by Curtis J. Badger
Bills and Eyes (Jett Brunet demonstrates carving the bill and placing the eye) by Curtis J. Badger
Casting Carvings (A follow-up to making molds) by Robert and Jacquelyn Goad
Summer 1992:
Art Matters: Exhibitions (Be seen or be forgotten) by Frank Werner
Habitat: Hedge Bindweed, Part One (The climbing vine can add color and grace to your carvings) by Michael Sykes
Beginner’s Notebook: Band sawing Made Simple, Part Two (Transferring pattern guidelines to your band sawed blank) by Willy McDonald
Fisher King (A look into the life of the magnificent osprey) by Tara Boice
Baby Birds (The hottest items on the competition scene)
Western Kingbird: Part Two (Step-by-step photos for painting the kingbird) by Lonnie Dye
Tumbling Eagles (The sculpture of Canadian Joe Coutts)
Louisiana Miniatures (Tiny treasures from Louisiana) by Charles Frank
Decoy Ramblings: Painting to Preserve Decoys (Celebrating the artistic talent of an Illinois lady) by Joseph B. French
Hen Green Wing: Part One (Carving a green-winged teal hen), demonstration by Ron Broadwater
Making Molds (Make more efficient use of your time with molds) by Robert and Jacquelyn Goad
Spring 1992:
Habitat: Making Rocks (A rock-solid approach to new dimensions in composition) by Floyd Scholz
Art Matters: Art Anxiety (Make the time and effort to be recognized now for your art) by Frank Werner
Beginner’s Notebook: Band sawing Made Simple, Part One (The basics of choosing wood, transferring a pattern, and band sawing the blank) by Willy McDonald
Annual Index (The annual supplement to our Five-Year index)
Carving in the Cajun Tradition (A profile of the Brunet family—father, Tan, and sons, Jett and Jude) by Marie G. Bongiovanni
Pelzer Pintail (A classic decoy from Wisconsin’s Walter Pelzer) by Gene and Linda Kangas
Decoy Ramblings: First Thoughts (On stolen decoys, a new museum, original paint, and dear friends) BY Joe French
Redhead Basics (Reference photos of the redhead) by Sheryl De Vore
Winning the Gulf South (A look at the pieces that won the jewel of the Louisiana Wildfowl Festival) by Charles Frank
Western Kingbird: Part One (A demonstration of the carving and texturing of this Texas songbird) by Lonnie Dye
Show Business (An insider’s look into the planning of the Masters Carving Competition) by John Maloney
Winter 1992:
Art Matters: A Declaration of Art (A review of the exhibition celebrating the art of California’s duck decoys) by Frank Werner
Habitat: Creating Snowdrifts (Add a bit of winter chill to your carvings) by C.E. Blanchard
Beginner’s Notebook: Choosing and Using a Base (Some simple guidelines for color, size, and shape) by Terry Rickert
Dowitchers (Differentiating between the long-billed species and their short-billed cousins) by Bruce Burk
Highly Patterned Surfaces (Painting the complex feather patterns of the blue-winged teal) by Pat Godin
It’s a Dilly (Exquisite shore birds from a mysterious man) by Joe French
Life-like Raptors (Techniques for texturing and painting raptors in a realistic manner), demonstration by Greg Woodard
Birds in Art 1991 (Larry Barth named Master Wildlife Artist) by Cathy Hart
Wendell Gilley Museum (A perfectly carved niche for bird carvers) by Linda Wolter Carlson
Fall 1991:
Beginner’s Notebook: The Creative Process (A look at inspiration, ideas, and composition) by Mark Christopher
Habitat: Silver Flowers (Use this perfectly suited metal to create beautiful flowers) by Eugene Morelli and Joan Zygmunt
Art Matters: Commissions, Grants, and Fellowships (Going for the grand prize) by Frank Werner
American Wigeon (Reference photos of this stubby little duck) by Steve Maslowski
Airbrushing a Pheasant (Tip and techniques to overcome “airbrush phobia”) by Barbara Nelson
Painting a Goose (Step-by-step instructions and paint schedule for a Canada goose) by Den Heinemann
Quebec Style (A detailed photo study of the work of Orel LeBoeuf) by Gene and Linda Kangas
Flair of Genius (A profile of legendary Californian carver Ed Snyder) by Bill Baines
Creating a Surface Texture (Texturing philosophies of professional carvers) by Roger Schroeder
Basswood Blues (The cheapest way to get basswood is not always the best) by Don McKinlay
Summer 1991:
Habitat: Among the Lily Pads (The secret to creating a good composition lies in striking the perfect balance between bird and habitat) by Howard Nixon
Art Matters: Public Spaces (Exhibiting in a public space requires a little ambition and a lot of pieces) by Frank Werner
Beginner’s Notebook: Vermiculation Primer (Modern and old-fashioned tools and techniques) by Don McKinlay
Hal Evans (A collector shares his recollections with a friend) by Larry Cashion
The Northern Flicker (Reference photos of the “gentleman” woodpecker) by Dawn Coughlan
Goose Carving (Step-by-step instructions for carving a Canada goose), demonstration by Ben Heinemann
Knife Sharpening (Extend the life of your tools with proper sharpening techniques) by Allan Knotts
Wood Duck Chest (An excerpt from Jim Sprankle’s painting book) by Curtis J. Badger
Bering Sea Pirates: Part Four (Creating the base), demonstration by Larry Barth
Antique by Design (An aging process makes the decoys created by Thomas Langan appear old) by Roger Schroeder
Spring 1991:
Habitat: The Perfect Base (Sina “Pat” Kurman explains her technique for turning driftwood into a unique and attractive base for her floaters) by Ayleen Stellhorn
Beginner’s Notebook: Breaking out of the Copycat Syndrome (How to use influences creatively and originally in your own pieces) by Louise C. Beeson
Art Matters: A Carver’s Resume (Tips on what to include and how to make it work for you) by Frank Werner
Lesser or Greater (A few clues to tell you which scaup is which) by Sheryl De Vore
Bering Sea Pirates: Part Three (Finishing and painting this commission piece) by Larry Barth
Guy Taplin (A profile of one of England’s premier carvers) by Curtis J. Badger
Found at Last (Discovering Alameda carver Dean Brown) by Michael R. Miller and Frederick W. Hanson
Decoy Talks: One Good Turn Deserves Another (How Robert Weeks came to own a rig of Perdew green-winged teal) by Donna Tonelli
Tufted Titmouse: Part Three (Demonstration: Painting) by Jerry Barkley
Annual Index
Winter 1991:
Beginner’s Notebook: Reference Material (Photographs, videos, mounts—today’s carver has it all) by Larry Stevens
Habitat: Creating Water Droplets (A little bit of ingenuity goes a long way when working with resin) by Clancy Harlan
Art Matters: Juried Exhibitions for the Wildfowl Carver (Don’t be discouraged by frequent rejection slips) by Frank Werner
Crystal Ball: Part Four (Some final comments on the future of bird carving) by Marie G. Bongiovanni
Todd Wohlt (An interview with the 21-year-old who won the World) by Donna Sanders
Pelican Personalities (Reference photos of the brown pelican) by Mark Christopher
Bering Sea Pirates: Part Two (Jaegers in flight) by Larry Barth
Decoy Tales: Lake Heron Connection (Two distinct regions, two men who never met, and the “horsehead” cans that link them together) by Donna Tonelli
Decoys of the Shelburne (A Mecca for decoy collectors) by Tom Hill
Collector I.Q. (Ring-neck or bluebill?) by Gene and Linda Kangas
Tufted Titmouse (Demonstration: Texturing this tiny songbird) by Jerry Barkley
Fall 1990:
Beginner’s Notebook (Soft feathers: Painting) by Don McKinlay
Commentary: Wildfowl Carving and Contemporary Art (What exactly is “fine art” and who decides which works get labeled as such?) by Frank Werner
Crystal Ball, Part Three (More insight on the carving world) by Marie G. Bongiovanni
Hardy Oldsquaw (Reference photos of this beautiful duck) by Sheryl De Vore
Future Stars Shine (The Havre de Grace Middle School’s wildfowl competition) by Cathy Hart
Bering Sea Pirates (Part One: Conception of a commission piece) by Larry Barth
Decoy Tales: The Call Them G.K. Schmidts (This new column tells the stories behind the famous decoys. Learning about Illinois’ G.S. Schmidt led collector Joe Tonelli to several astounding finds) by Donna Tonelli
George W. Thompson (Pioneer decoy collector) by Joseph B. French
Tufted Titmouse (Demonstration: Part One: Rough Carving) by Jerry Barkley
Summer 1990:
The Marbled Godwit (Includes a paint pattern with color mixing instructions) by Bruce Burk
Commentary: The State of the Art Our Art (A look at the world of wildfowl carving today continues this issue)
Folk Art, Decoys, and Wildfowl Carving by Frank Werner
The Crystal Ball, Part Two by Marie G. Bongiovanni
Molding Leaves (Demonstration) by E. Lynn Forehand
Beginner’s Notebook: Soft Feathers: Texturing (The second step in creating softer feathers) by Don McKinlay
Cajun Crowells (A restorer’s challenge) by Joseph B. French
Sketching Birds (Tips and techniques for making the most of your time in the field) by Robert Braunfield
The National Celebrates its Silver Anniversary (One of the biggest decoy shows turns 25) by Gene and Linda Kangas
Carving a Low-head Green-winged Teal (Demonstration) by Rich Radigonda
Spring 1990:
The American Goldfinch (Reference photos of this popular songbird) by Steve Maslowski
Beginner’s Notebook: Soft Feathers, Part One (The first in a three-part series) by Don McKinlay
Flowing Plumes (A mini-demonstration on how to create egret plumes) by Floyd Scholz
Commentary: The State of the Art (A special section on the world of wildfowl carving today)
Art, Craft, and Wildfowl Carving by Frank Werner
Understanding Style by John N. Mullican
The Crystal Ball by Marie G. Bongiovanni
Montana Bird Carvers (A profile of Joan Zygmunt and Eugene Morelli) by Roger Schroeder
Welding Feet (Demonstration) by Eugene Morelli
Source: Listing Updates (New information on seminars across the country)
From Great Horned Owl to Broad-winged Hawk (Story of an award-winning carving) by Bart Walter
The Mackey Collection—1969 (A look into one man’s castle) by Roger W. Barton
A Collecting Goldmine (Fascinating decoys from Herter’s Incorporated) by Charles W. Franks, Jr.
Winter 1990:
The Gentleman’s Gamebird (Reference photos of the bobwhite quail) by Tom Huggler
Service Class Sprigs Part Two (Pintail Demonstration) by Rob Capriola
Freedom of Expression (An interview with carvers Dave and Mary Ahrendt) by Donna Sanders
Hal Sorenson’s “Labor of Love” (An interview with the editor of the Decoy Collector’s Guide) by Joseph B. French
Beginner’s Notebook: Keep It Running (Tips to maintain your flexible shaft power tool) by Don McKinlay
Source: Video Tapes (A sampling of instructional and reference tapes available to the carver)
The Painted Surface (Find the best oil-to-pigment ratio for your decoy painting) by Frank Werner
Painting an English Sparrow (Demonstration) by Floyd Scholz
Palm Frond Decoys of California (Interest in these frail decoys heightens) by Roger W. Barton
The Venerable Roothead (A photo essay on some relatively inexpensive, collectible decoys) by A. Everette James. Jr.
Read NextThe Most Beautiful Duck in the World