Spring 2017
Table of Contents:
Editor's Note
Good Stuff
by Tom Huntington
Painting Notes: Bobolink
(More colorful than a sparrow—and it has a better name, too)
by Jerry Poindexter—includes a pattern
Alpha, Part One
(This one has it all: a gyrfalcon, some rocks—and a Skull)
by Ted Smith—includes a pattern
My Blue Period
(What if Pablo Picasso had taken up bird carving? He might have carved this ruddy duck)
by Daniel Montano
Spruce Grouse Habitat
(For this bird, home is where you hang your pinecone)
by Jerry Simchuk
Carve a Ross’s Goose, Part One
(A compact size helps make it carver friendly)
by Jason Lucio—includes a pattern
Five in the Oven
(Transforming a burl into an ovenbird and a nest of eggs, too)
by Gerald Painter
Reference: North American Pipits
(Let’s hear it for this LBJ: Pip, pip, hooray!)
by Rick Burkman—includes Jean Minaudier’s pattern and color guide
On the cover: Avery Lucio photographed Jason Lucio’s Ross’s goose. Jason is Avery’s father.
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