Events, Buy, Sell, Trade
Events are listed alphabetically by state or province within eight geographic regions: New England, Mid-Atlantic, Chesapeake Bay, South, Midwest, West, Canada, and International. We strive to bring you the most accurate and complete listing information available on carving events around the globe. If you would like your show to appear in the Events Directory, or if you need to update your listing, contact Tom Huntington ( Upcoming deadlines for additions and changes to the directory are November 1, 2019, for the Winter issue (covering shows from January through June 2020); February 1, 2020, for the Spring issue (covering shows from April through September 2020); May 1, 2020, for the Summer issue (covering shows from July through December 2020); and August 1, 2020, for the Fall issue (covering shows from October 2020 through March 2021). Note: Unexpected changes do occur. Please contact each show you plan to attend to confirm details. The Events Directory is the property of Wildfowl Carving Magazine. Listings are not to be duplicated in any publication without the magazine’s written consent.
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