
A Competition Gunning Ring-necked Duck                                                                                     

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

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Bufflehead Hen Part 3                                                   

No one has ever accused a hen bufflehead of being particularly colorful.… More

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Micro-Mini Canvasbacks                                                     

Don't throw away the cutoffs you have left when you make larger ducks.… More

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A Side of Side Pockets                                                     

A decoy is more than the sum of its parts, of course, but it's still… More

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Carving a Cork Red-Breasted Merganser, Part One                                                                                                       

There are many ways to carve and finish a decoy. In these articles, I'll… More

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The Delta Marsh Canvasback                                                             

I've always been interested in decoys that look old. Learning the… More

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Basic Black                               

It was mid-January on a small pothole just off of Coinjock Bay in… More

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Hooded Merganser Drake                                                     

Step-by-step instructions and detailed pattern for creating a lifesize… More

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A Flock of Labradors                                                 

Tucked away in a home in beautiful Bel Air, Maryland, is one of the most… More

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Wildfowl Carver Brad Snodgrass Talking About His…

At the 2017 Easton Waterfowl Festival, carver Brad Snodgrass talks about… More

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Ain't Vintage                                   

One of the most popular categories for competitors at the Ohio Decoy… More

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A Bufflehead Tweener, Part One: Carving                                                                                       

Several years ago, I visited the Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art in Salisbury,… More

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The Blair School, Part One                                                             

One of the more prominent and often emulated historical styles is the one… More

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A Tale of Two Teal                                             

My childhood dream bird, the one that I wanted to see more than any other,… More

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A Cork Red-Breasted Merganser, Part Two: Painting                                                                                                           

As a beginner, you will most likely find it much easier to carve a decoy… More

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