
Summer 2017

Table of Contents:

Editor's Note
(The Future?)
by Tom Huntington

Painting Notes: Black-chinned Hummingbird
(Good things come in small packages.)
by Jerry Poindexter—includes a pattern

Ruddy Love: How to Carve a Ruddy Duck, Part One​
(Some interesting feather techniques make this duck come alive.​)
by Daniel Montano​—includes a pattern

Alpha, Part Two
(Painting a carved gyrfalcon)
by  Ted Smith

Carving the Scrub Jay: A Bird with Character​
(It's something like its cousins--but different.​)
by Jerry Simchuk​

Painting a Ross’s Goose
(There’s a lot more to painting this white goose than just adding white.​)
by Jason Lucio​

Carving the Black-billed Magpie
(Even when you carve, think about paint.)
by  Jean Minaudier—​includes a pattern


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